Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today is the Day of the Moose!

Well, not quite what we see in the bush..

It has been so terribly gloomy here this week...yesterday was horrid and it looks like more crappy days ahead. 

I've brought a cold home from our White Water Rafting weekend.  I didn't ride the rapids this year and in a way I was kinda glad I didn't.  Unfortunately the gals that did ride had some major problems and the boats over turned.  My one friend came home with a black eye!  The water was really high this year and a lot of boats over turned.  What a horrible experience for them - my one friend's boat went over twice and she was in tears when she came back to camp and talked about it.

A Couple of Moose
We're all middle aged women here and still playing like kids...but, that was too scary for me listening to them talk about what had happened.

Any hoo - I was glad that we got away for our annual "what are we crazy weekend" and as I look out my office window and see another gloomy day on the horizon, I've decided that today is the day of the moose and I will be sewing some cute moose couples to enhance the upcoming Christmas season.  All I have to do is wait for Baboo to get out of bed to start up the sewing machine.  Stay tuned!

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